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These are SOME of the headstones of the North Road Cemetery. In an attempt to save as much space as possible and increase the speed of downloading, only part of the stone is displayed. Flinders Ranges Research has a full photograph of each of these, and many others as well.
Charles Rasp, JP. the discoverer of the Broken Hill Silver Mines, Died 22 May 1902. This monument was specially ordered, by his loving widow, from Italy and shows the Sturt Desert Pea.
Stephen King, Explorer, born 15 December 1841 in the Gawler district of Kingsford, died 7 October 1915 at Beulah Park. Also Louisa Mercy Margaret, wife of Stephen King born 2 June 1856, died 13 December 1951.
The monument was erected by the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (SA Branch) and friends in admiration of his pluck, endurance and Loyalty to John McDouall Stuart, as member of party who crossed the Continent when the British flag was raised on the shores of the Indian Ocean, 25 July 1862.
At the age of only 19, Stephen King was the youngest member of Stuart's party. On 2 May 1862 Stuart wrote in his diary, after discovering some ponds, These ponds I Name King's Ponds, in token of my approbation of his care of, and attention to, the horses, and his readiness and care in executing all my orders.
The Hon. Alexander Poynton, OBE., beloved husband of Harriet Poynton. Alexander was born on 8 August 1853 in Castlemain Victria. He died 9 January 1935. His wife Harriet, died 7 November 1941 aged 75 years. Alexander was the son of Alexander and Rosana Poynton. At the age of 35 Alexander started organising the shearers. In 1889 he came to South Australia and settled in Port Augusta. In 1893 he entered politics and represented the district of Flinders until 1901 when he entered the Federal Parliament representing the district of Grey. While at Port Augusta, Poynton was involved in anything and everything, including the mining industry. He took aparticular interest in the Angepena goldfield and was one of the first to take up eight gold claims on the newly discovered Worturpa Goldfield in 1899. However one of his most important and lasting contribution was his efforts to have a railway between Port Augusta and Western Australia. As early as 1894 he had been lobbying for it but had to wait until September 1912 before work was started.
Richard Moritz Schomburgk,
Born 5 October 1811, Died 24 March 1891.
Arrived in South Australia in 1849 from Germany and lived for some years at Buchfelde.
For more information see Pelzer ***** Among other historic identities buried at the North Road Cemetery are
Members of the Mortlock Family
If you would like to find out more,
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