1851 South Australia first to terminate aid to religion. Joseph Cooke Verco born at Fullarton
Rainfall of 786 mm recorded.
South Australia's population reached 66,538 by the end of the year.
John Frame from Mount Barker won gold medal in London for his wheat.
Central Board of Education established.
Samuel Hill arrived on the Prince Regent on 5 March.
1852 Phillis Kinsman started first passenger conveyance between Mitcham and Adelaide. Hugh Proby drowned in flooded Willochra Creek.
First overland gold escort arrived in Adelaide.
First mineral leases taken out in the Northern Flinders Ranges.
Gold discovered at Echunga.
Work started on the Goolwa railway.
First Australian coins minted in Adelaide. Tom Price, first Labor Premier, born.
William Henry Willshire born on 5 March 1852.
Port Augusta founded, named after Lady Augusta Young.
Foundation stone of St Jude's Church at Brighton laid by Lady Young Bordertown, on the gold escort route, surveyed.
First lighthouse in South Australia, at Cape Willoughby, operating.
WJ Peterswald arrived at Port Adelaide.
October Hoffnungsthal flooded. Shackamaxon arrived at with almost 700 migrants, 65 had died during the voyage.
Steam navigation and Paddle Steamers started on the River Murray. Melrose surveyed by the Mount Remarkable Copper Mining Company. The Blanche, a cutter of 12 tons, built at the Government Boatyard, Port Adelaide.
South Australia has become the wheat growing centre of Australia.
Alexander Poynter born.
Adelaide Cricket Club formed.
November, Adam Lindsay Gordon arrives at Port Adelaide.
John Deason arrived on 25 December on the Epaminondas at Port Adelaide. In 1869 he would dig up the Welcome Stranger nugget.
William Ashton, governor of Adelaide Gaol died on 28 April 1854.
First railway opened from Port Elliot to Goolwa Goolwa Yacht Club formed, first in South Australia..
Port Augusta surveyed.
Thomas Elder arrived in South Australia from Scotland.
Last public hanging in South Australia carried out.
First private telegraph line erected between Adelaide and Port Adelaide.
John McDouall Stuart surveyed Chambers' pastoral leases.
First South Australian stamps issued.
Charless Todd arrived in South Australia on 5 November. Due to excessive influx of female immigrants the government established Servants Depots
1856 First government telegraph line opened between Adelaide and Port Adelaide.
South Australian Population passed 100,000. Police Station opened at Angepena. Babbage named Blanchewater after Gov McDonnell's wife. First steam railway from Adelaide to Port Adelaide constructed and opened on 21 April.
John Verran born on 9 August 1856.
New Constitution Act proclaimed, providing for a Legislative Council and a House of Assembly.
1857 Goyder named Lake Blanch. John Baker started Blanchewater. Thousands of Chinese landed at Robe to walk to the Victorian goldfields.
Aclare silver deposit discovered.
South Australia's first parliament elected.
Adelaide Botanic Gardens opened.
South Australian Jockey Club formed.
Railway between Smithfield and Gawler opened. James William Duck born at Inman Valley. Wooltana run established. (Sir) Sidney Kidman born at Athelstone.
Work started on Thorndon Park reservoir
John McD Stuart named Chambers Creek, later changed to Stuarts Creek. Coward Springs discovered by P.E. Warburton who named it after Thomas Coward. Divorce legalised in South Australia, an Australian first!
The South Australian Advertiser Founded.
South Australian Real Property Act drafted by Dr Ulrich Hubbe.
First telegraph line to Melbourne opened. Faulkner Brothers declared insolvent.
Real Property Act, Torrens Land Title, came into operation.
Cape Borda lighthouse opened on 5 July.
William Tennant Mortlock born on 18 May at Port Lincoln.
1859 Copper discovered at Blinman.
A 350 metre long jetty constructed at Glenelg. Semaphore jetty also completed that year.
Copper discovered at Yudanamutana.
Exhibition Building completed for the Adelaide Show.
Aboriginal Mission established at Point McLeay.
Steamer Admella wrecked near Port Macdonnell, on the South East coast.
Song of Australia written by Caroline Carleton. Hergott discovered mound springs
30 April Lawrence Allen Wells, explorer and surveyor, born at Yallum Park.
Copper discovered at Wallaroo and Nuccaleena. Temperature of 45.4 degrees recorded.
Adelaide supplied with water from Thorndon Park reservoir.
George Goyder surveyed the Hergott Springs run.
John McDouall Stuart discovered Central Mount Stuart on 23 April.
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