South Australian Lighthouse

South Australian Lighthouses

There are and have been numerous Lighthouses, Lightships, Rocket Stations, Beacons and other forms of warnings or aids to shipping in Australian waters. At the turn of the century there were 35 lights operating in South Australia which were made of wood, iron or stone. Some were on cliffs, others at the end of a jetty or a wharf and even on shoals.

The building of lighthouses was part of a phenomena during the early 1800s. They were erected in America, Scotland, England, Holland, South Africa, Asia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and many other places. Although there had been some beacons and lightships, the first of many lighthouses to be erected in South Australia was the Sturt Lighthouse at Cape Willoughby on Kangaroo Island.

More than 50 shipwrecks have occurred around Kangaroo Island since first settlement in 1836, leading to the establishment of Lighthouses at nearby Cape Willoughby in 1852, Cape Borda in 1858, Cape St Albans in 1908 and Cape du Couedic in 1909.


Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

Althorpe Lighthouse.

Cape Borda Lighthouse.

Point Malcolm Lighthouse.

Troubridge Lighthouse.

Point Lowly Lighthouse.


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