Living conditions were still of a very primitive nature with most people living in tents. However with continuous, and large scale, mining operations a town was established to cater for the miners (250) and their families. In 1907 it was big enough to have its own Athletic Club. On 2 September it held the annual sports program with some children doing very well. E. Lawrie came first in the girl's race for both under 12 and 16 years. The Employees Handicap was taken out by E. Piper with M. Callaban second and J. Fraser third.
By 1915 the town of Iron Knob was proclaimed and within six years it had a population of 528. Eventually it increased to some 700 people, housed in about 200 houses. Most of these houses were built of wood and iron but some brick houses were added later by the South Australian Housing Trust. When fully completed the town had a post office, telephone exchange, swimming pool, hotel, churches, school, hostel, tennis courts, oval, institute, library, gardens, five shops and a cemetery.
Among the earliest to be buried at Iron Knob were Edith Emma Rankine, the wife of Andrew Rankine, on 29 August 1909 and Hazel Eleanor Isabel Hall, the ten months old daughter of Horace and Isabel Hall, on 11 October 1913.
In March 1930, the Adelaide Advertiser reported that the chief source of mineral wealth in the South Australia was Iron Knob, which in 1929 produced 847,813 tons of ore valued at 974,985 Pounds. During that year the value of all mineral production amounted to 1.3 million Pounds.
Another township, Iron Baron, was constructed during 1937-8 to house the men, and their families, working at this quarry. Today iron ore is mined by open cut method, crushed at the mine site and transported by train to Whyalla.

Iron Knob Cemetery
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