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As the producer of "Discover" SAS 7 Adelaide's tourism-based show on South Australia, I am always searching for interesting and little-known historical facts about our wonderful state. Your site is a goldmine! I have bookmarked it and will definitely use it as a research tool in the future! Traci Ayris
SAS Channel 7
Thank you very much for your amazing site!
I discovered it while searching for Hammond SA. I was amazed to see a grave-stone with the names .... on it, who have since turned out to be my husbands G-G- Grandparents. Your site also gave me info about PEKINA, where the family also lived. This town is not listed on the BDM website. Many thanks for your hard work and obvious dedication to the region!
Ann Nancarrow
Have just come off your absolutely fabulous site about the Flinders Ranges - how professionally presented and user-friendly! Ron Mitchell.
You are fabulous. Thank you so much. Absolutely made my day. Where did you find it? You don't know how much I appreciate this, but then again you obviously would know being a fellow family history person. Carolyn Morrow.
When I recently Googled Coromandel Valley I didn't expect to find much information. How wrong I was. I must congratulate you on your web site - it is so well set up with so much interesting information. It was a thrill to see my great great grandfather's history on the computer screen. I know so much more now about John and Coromandel Valley along with some great photos. I think it is great! - well done. Thank you so very much.
Patricia Scoles
I loved the presentation and quality of information you have offered on your Flinders Ranges Research Lynne A Higson
I found your information on Matthew Flinders comprehensive and clear. Thank you for a great website. Best wishes, Veronica Schwarz, Freelance writer
I have greatly enjoyed reading some of your published stuff on the Flinders and have to say I am greatly impressed at your continuing high level of enthusiasm for the area.
Mike Round
As proud South Australians, your web site has blown us away!!! Everything that we have ever wanted to know about South Australia�s history has been documented in one location. We hope that current and future generations of South Australian�s are exposed to your studies and learn about our beautiful land. This should be used as a basis to inspire and lead our state into the future and to stand proud above all.
Please keep up the outstanding work! Freer and Doogs, S.A.
As a South Australian teacher I found your website fascinating and full of
very useful information. Lorna Webb
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your website and how
grateful I am for all the good information I managed to glean - I am a
volunteer guide at Ayres House and I was searching for information
regarding the Monster Mine at Burra - also associated sites, as well as
a reading list. Thanks again, Marie Cimasko
I am a SA children�s author and think your historical site is incredible. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I�m sure I�m not the only one appreciating it. Regards Rosanne Hawke.
I just watched on the Bavarian TV a great report about The Channel Country and Sharon Oldfield. Searching the Web for Sharon Oldfield I found your Web Site. Congratulation on these impressive sites. District 1910 The Rotary Foundation
Congratulations on your wonderful web site, I only found it by accident and was overwhelmed with the South Australian history that you have covered. Well done, I will be informing other history buffs of your first class site. Keep up the good work!!
I find you web site one of the best & most informative sites I have ever opened.
Bill Condon, NSW resident.
Thank you for your great web site. I really enjoyed reading about
Eurelia and was delighted to find my own father mentioned. You've managed to make the people seem more real than they did
before. That's quite a skill to turn the two dimensional facts and
figures into a 3 dimensional story - much more interesting.
Aileen Cicarella
I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful website. My mother was born in Terowie and lived there until she was about 6-7 years of age. I am researching for my own website that I have on Australian History, but I must say I love the way that you have brought it to life, with names of the people that lived and worked in Terowie, this is exactly what I am hoping to do. Once again congratulations on such a wonderful website. Erica Schmidt.
Have visited your web site on several occasions and found the information not only excellent but also interesting and rewarding.
It is helping me to piece together the history of our family.
Colin Kekwick.
I have just spent a wonderful 2 hours on your very interesting site and I shall keep returning to it to learn more about the best state in Australia! Well done and thank you!
Mary (Campbell) Merrick
Thank you for the time and effort you have put into producing such a wonderful site. I advised some friends in Scotland to look this site up and they have mailed back to say they were ever so pleased at learning of the Flinders Ranges and Coober Pedy - yet another interesting aspect of Australia. I printed your site and sent it to a school of 10 students at Inishturk Island off the coast of Galway, Ireland.
Elayne Whatman
I am totally rapt with
your site! praise indeed for an excellent web site.
Mari Walker, Sth Australia.
Just read your stories about some of the displaced people who migrated to Australia - you did a wonderful job with their stories.
thanks for a story well worth reading.
Janie Micchelli.
I am delighted to see such an excellent site to which I can refer my students for further research.
Liesl Kosma, Course writer, Victoria.
I am enjoying your web pages immensely, particularly the history of gold in SA.
Thanks again, Ivan Davis
Please allow me to compliment you on a concise presentation of
Mr. Morant's life and career in the Bushveldt Carbineers.
James A. Ballou, Ph.D., Stevens-Henager College in Salt Lake City, UT,
A great website. An invaluable tool for journalists, researchers and alike. Simon Mossman, Travel Writer and Photojournalist, Sydney.
A very fine quality website.... President of Tiger International Resources Inc, Canada.
I was impressed by the detail and accuracy of information pertaining to German emigration, settlements, personalities and schooling during WW1. Thank you for such an interesting site. Lutheran Church Australia Webmaster.
Thank you for such a wonderful site full of information not only on towns and stations but on the early pioneers
Leita Fennell Pt Augusta
I have just made my inaugural visit to your website and I find it to have not only lots of helpful information but I really felt a swell of pride to be South Australian.Tobias Aikins.
Many thanks for your research, it was definitely
value for money..... W.Edgeloe, WA.
I have approved a grant of $3,000 for Leigh Creek , an oasis in the desert, D. Laidlaw, MLC,
Minister For The Arts. SA.
Congratulations on the Leigh Creek book - it is great to see something like that on my home town. I had never realised the history involved in the town until I read the book, Leonie Green
Was thrilled to get the fax. It's a break through. I couldn't have found it from over here or without
Thanks too for the list of sources looked at. B.Goodman, New Zealand.
Voted TOP TEN site in Australia. (Softcom Newsletter 156)
I enjoyed reading about Jamestown as we have a friend who
lives near there in the house my ancestor, Fielder King,
lived in. Thank you for a great website.
Wendy Johnson,
Streetsville, Ontario, Canada.
What a pity History wasn't taught like this when we were at school. University Of The Third Age.
A very nice site, good design, clever original graphics, great photos, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again.
Just to let you know that not only do I love your website, but have had your link on my homepage for several months now so that the rest of the world can share in this wonderful treat! Mary Newton.
I am in Grade 5 and found your information on Matthew Flinders very helpful for my project on Matthew Flinders. Thank you. L.Gaspero.
thank you very much for all the information about
salt...I will be using some of it in my school
project....thank you for replying to me so promptly....best wishes...from Jana.
A wonderfull site, *** Great work, *** A job well done. *** I am currently writing a report and found your site. Its great - well done, you have heaps of info, and great pics! thanks heaps! Jenny McElroy, School of the Air.
Absolutely Stunning!!! A really great resource. As an "older" Victorian who enjoyed the Flinders in my youth and being about to return with my own children who have finally reached camping age it was fascinating to find your pages and almost endless links. I applaud your efforts - a really great site and one I have "bookmarked" for future reference. James Taylor, VIC.
I enjoyed searching through the pages of your site. I found the content
clear and concise, and a GREAT concept. Congratulations on a great site - I'll be recommending it to many in the future. Lyn Todd, Perth WA.
Britannica editors have selected your site as one
of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability.
It is heartening to find a whole page on the history of Eurelia on the Web and indeed it makes me homesick. Keep up the good work. Derek Byerlee, Washington USA
I must congratulate you on your Flinders Ranges Research pages. They
are the most informative and comprehensive pages I have seen. Very
enlightening to South Australians. Eunice Williams, Athelstone.
Thanks to your website I now know where Kooringa is on the map. Best wishes,
Gerrard Burnell
(Yorkshire, England)
Love your website - it's one of the better ones. Felt a lump in my throat when I heard 'Advance Australia Fair'. I've missed Australia for 20 years and still want to go back!
Regards Gordon Newton
What a lovely website! Even our national anthem. Congratulations. I
especially like the miner bloke popping his head out of the ground.
Thank you very much for your time and for the site.
Tony Glad, Toowong, Qld.
Congratulations - your site is the most informative to date on SA history. Judy Jerkins.
Well done for a great site, so pleasing to see one about
South Australia and its history, especially the Flinders Ranges.
Keep up the good work, its pleasing to know that people around the world have the same information at their finger tips. Max & Lorraine Sanderson.
Thank you for the very interesting material on this subject. My daughter who is in year 6 at St Kevin's Primary School Brisbane wanted to do her report on Charles Todd. Your web page was able to give her lots of information. As a mother anything to help with homework is great, but to have some great Australian information is even better.
Keep up the good work. Jackqueline, QLD.
I am very pleased to have found your site. It is very informative and
easy to navigate. Librarian at Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, U.S.
I have approved a grant of $2,000 for your new book on gold mining
D. Laidlaw, MLC, Minister for The Arts. South Australia.
I recently did an assignment on Mary MacKillop and my search engine led me to your site. I would just like to say it was the most informative, precise, superb, well set up web site and it has everything I need, your site got me extra marks! I would just like to say thank you for making the best site I have ever accessed. Keep up the EXCELLENT work!
Yours Sincerely, Kate Bickerton.
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